10 Must-Know Makeup Tips For Allergy Season

1. Skincare First

Your skincare may greatly affect your makeup application and skin feel. If your skin is bothered by allergies, use basic, hydrating products. Anti-aging skin care agents should be avoided near the eyes.

2. Color-correct

Use a green primer or concealer before foundation if you have redness from allergies or rubbing/itching. This neutralizes redness so foundation and other cosmetics go on smoothly. 

3. Use Waterproof Products

Wearing waterproof makeup is necessary since allergies itch and wet your eyes. If you wipe your eyes, wear non-smudge products.

4. Avoid Eyeliner

Try not to wear eyeliner if your eyes are sensitive and inflamed. Matte shadows may extend and define your eyes without running your liner. 

5. Reduce Puffiness Before Makeup

Cooling the eyes reduces puffiness and feels great. Try these cooling collagen eye masks or an ice roller in the morning before skincare or makeup. 

6. Clean Makeup Tools

Keep everything in your cosmetics bag clean. After each usage, wipe your eyelash curler with alcohol pads to avoid buildup, and clean your makeup brushes weekly.

7. Mist your face

Use face spray throughout the day to moisturize and soothe your skin. It hydrates and calms skin with lavender oil and vitamin C. 

8. Remember Your Lips

With a stuffy nose, you breathe more through your lips, which can dry and crack them. Another allergy season benefit. Carry a tube of Aquaphor Lip Repair Balm in your purse to nourish your lips all day. 

9. Light or No Makeup

When you have strong allergies, going makeup-free is best, but if you can't, go light. A little coat of mascara, tinted moisturizer, and glossy lip color can divert attention away from allergy puffiness.

10. Stay away from loose, shimmery products

Eye and respiratory discomfort can result from loose, shimmering makeup particles, especially if you have allergies. Mica gives things their shine.

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