11 Best Foods for Muscle Gain and Fat Loss

1. Greek Yogurt

Conjugated linoleic acid burns fat and promotes weight reduction. Slow-digesting dairy protein helps build muscle. Its protein content keeps you full, promotes metabolism, and cuts calories.

2. Eggs

Eggs are high in protein and filling, boosting metabolism for hours after eating. The strong thermic effect of egg protein makes it more energy-intensive to digest, increasing energy expenditure.

3. Oatmeal

Due to its delayed digestion, oatmeal keeps blood sugar and insulin levels low, boosting fat burning. Complex carbs fill you up and offer energy. 

4. Chicken

Another high-protein, high-thermic diet is chicken. Protein helps build muscle and lose fat. Feeling full and requiring more energy for digestion helps lose fat.

5. Turkey

Turkey is strong in protein and low in carbs and fat, making it ideal for muscle growth. Turkey's high protein and B vitamin content heal bodily cells, helping muscles recover.

6. Salmon

Protein and good fat are abundant in salmon. High-protein diets aid weight loss and fat reduction. It also aids digestion, lean muscle growth, and recuperation. 

7. Tofu

Animal protein may be replaced with soy-based tofu. It has plenty of calcium and iron, which build muscle. Calcium helps muscles contract and relax, while iron oxygenates them.

8. Beans

You can grow lean muscle by eating beans, another plant-based protein. They're high in protein, fiber, B vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron. 

9. Avocado

Avocados contain monounsaturated fats, which burn easily during activity. They also include mannoheltulose, which reduces insulin release and boosts calcium absorption, which aids fat reduction.

10. Edamame

Served mildly salted, in stir fries, or in a crisp Asian salad, edamame are a great plant protein source. Frozen edamame has 18 grams of protein and 8 grams of fiber per cup.

11. Quinoa

Quinoa contains protein, fiber, phosphorus, and magnesium, which helps muscles and neurons. Protein and fibre are necessary for fat burning.

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