How To Fix Broken Nails And Keep Them Healthy For The Long Run

Lemon Juice Magic

Brittle nails can be saved by lemon juice. Vitamin C naturally makes your nails stronger and whiter.

Avoid Metal Files

Emery boards are better for your nails than metal files because they don't hurt them as much.

Tea Bag Fix

A broken nail? Cut off a small piece of a tea bag and use it as a patch with clear nail paint to fix it right away.

Protein-Packed Diet

Eating foods like eggs, nuts, and lean meats that are high in protein can help your nails grow and get stronger.

Cuticle Care

Take care of your cuticles regularly. Cut your cuticles, but don't cut them. Instead, gently push them back.

Olive Oil Soak

Putting your nails and cuticles in warm olive oil can keep them from drying out and breaking.

Protective Gloves

When you do housework, put on gloves to protect your nails from water and harsh chemicals.

Avoid Nail Hardeners

It's possible that nail hardeners will weaken your nails over time. Instead, choose methods that will make you stronger.

Buff Gently

Too much polish can make your nails weak. Don't buff too often and only in one way.

Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E oil can help your health and flexibility by being put on your nails and cuticles.

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